Monday, October 5, 2009

Who needs a blog title?

Hannah's at work, and I have the blog all to myself. Bwahahahaha.
Blogging's still fun for now. Even if nobody reads it.
Remember that prank fight we got into? Well, we both tried to start it again and failed spectacularly. I found the rubber band and wrapped it around the sprayer, thinking to get Hannah with what she got me. Fiteen minutes later I had forgotten all about it and turned on the water. Hannah got a good laugh. Twenty minutes after that, she did the exact same thing and I was able to return the favor.
We discovered that Grandmother Barber likes Scrabble. We got bored, so we took our game upstairs to see if she wanted to play. Boy, did she! Unfortunately, her eyesight isn't too hot, and she had trouble seeing the tiles. We had fun anyway. Hannah beat the tar out of grandma and I by a good fifty points.

1 comment:

  1. HA! This is just like you two. Keep at it you crazy kids. If you need any um... prank ideas... come talk to me. I've got a few that will generate some good laughter. :) Love you both! ~ Shanda
