Sunday, May 26, 2013

That. Song.

I know this is silly. But when it becomes the week of my birthday I have so much anxiety. Its all due to one thing. That. Song. "Happy Birthday". I HATE THAT SONG!!! It is so over played. Technically it is illegal to sing that song due to copyright issues. ANYWAYS!! What are you supposed to do while people sing it to you?? It is the most awkward uncomfortable thing EVER. Don't get me wrong, I love it when I get calls and texts saying Happy Birthday or whatever, but I just want to kiss you in the mouth with a chair or something. Nothing against you, just that stupid song. If I were Superman, that song would be my kryptonite.

Dave likes to have fun with it though. He will sing a word every once in a while all throughout the day. Which is kinda funny. Then IF we decide to go out for my birthday (I usually chicken out because I know Dave will tell them the "big news") he will almost tell the waiter and hint all through our meal and I will get embarrassed and then I have to beg them not to sing. Apparently its quite funny.

Just in case you haven't grasped the idea here, I hate that stupid birthday song.

BUT! There is one birthday song I have come across that I don't mind. Hence the video below.

Just thought I'd get that off my chest. :)


  1. Love the video, really love the dancing alien. Happy Birthday! I will not call and sing to you.

  2. You crack me up! Glad you guys are back in Layton!
