Thursday, December 8, 2011

What its really like

If you or your husband want to be a Private Investigator let me tell you about what really goes on for your family. First off, you cant plan anything. For example, we had a planned christmas party for a month and now we have to move it to a date we dont know of. And dates? Well you can forget about them. Plus, your spouse is gone ALL the time. For example, when dave dosnt work were always doing other things so you never get "alone time". When they are home, they are either doing reports, catching up on sleep, or fixing stuff. Seriously, I feel like an army wife. Plus we dont have kids. And if your wondering when we are going to have kids the answer is not for a while because we can never be "relaxed" enough. As for money, you start out meh, okay. You can pay your bills and save a little and keep the rest for hotels when they go away. But hey, at least they have a job to pay for stuff, and at least im fortunate enough to have a best friend that I can have sleepovers with.

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