Today I woke up and decided it's time to start living my life and quit waiting for this whole adoption thing to happen. If it happens, great! Were ready. If not, I need to figure out how to move on and make me a good life. I've waited 6 years and the past couple I've kept myself from going out and doing things just in case we get a call or something of the sort. It is NOT a way to live. I am miserable. I feel stuck. I am unhappy!
This month I am turning 25 and I am having a quarter life crisis. To me 25 is SO old and it's not what I expected. I feel like I'm 18 still but I have more "experience".
To me when I was 18 I thought at the age of 25 I would be married, a mommy and I'd live in a house and blah blah blah. Well, one of the three things I had longed and dreamed of happening has happened. Don't get me wrong, that one thing is beautiful, absolutely wonderful and I love every minute of it. I was just making my life out to have all 3.
So I decided to change. for me my first step is to ask forgiveness. If I have done you wrong, I am deeply very sorry, please forgive me. I have let go of all bad experiences in my past and I am starting new. I have been working hard all day and will continue to keep working on it. It feels SO good break free! I already feel better.
And that's as far as I've gotten. I'll make more of a plan very soon. But some of the plan is to not have a plan. I can't wait to see myself transform into a better more loving, happier me and finally live my life!
Good for you Hannah. Life does not always turn out like you think it should and you (and I) have a lot of living to do.