Monday, March 10, 2014

Our Adoption Agency.

Last week was truly a miracle. Daves case was cut a day early, so he came home. Which was a huge blessing. He was supposed to be with me the next day. 
The next day was my yearly at the OB. Everything looked great! No cysts, and they tested me for pregnancy since I had recently had my 2nd IUI. It was negative, and I felt okay and at peace about it. Usually it's a bad day if I know I have to take a test because my dreams are always crushed.
You must know, for the past few months I have done my fare share of research looking at adoption agencys and came up with a few. Then I asked around a bit and there was one that caught my eye that I felt we need to go visit. Sooooo after the appointment on a whim I said why not?! Lets go since Dave is home for a couple days. So we got there and walked in and sat down with the director and social worker and talked for a while about everything. These ladies are AWESOME!!! They gave us background check papers and we went home and started paperwork. And thats about all we did for the next two days along with sending out reference letter information, and copying lots of things, and making appointments, and making lists, and making family books, and it goes on and on. I have never seen so much paperwork. And were still not done. there are 3 pages of really hard questions we still need to fill out. 
Also, if you are looking to adopt or are a nosey rosie and want to see about the agency we picked, heres the link.
And I just have to add that my sister and I were adopted, so my sweet parents are helping and guiding us through all of this and keeping my emotions in check. We are seriously so blessed. I see so many blessings come to pass every day. I feel so humble and grateful. I can honestly say I have never felt this close to my Savior.- yes I am tearing up as we speak. haha.. 
We knew we were going to adopt. We didn't know when, and we knew it was going to cost a lot of money. So we had started saving. To help us along, my wonderful talented mom has started making these bibs to sell. All the money goes towards our adoption and a little bit towards supplies to make them. So if you would like to buy one or some, let me know and I can hook you up! They are $7.50 or 3 for $20. There are a lot more and different patterns. But here is idea of what they look like.

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