Thursday, November 20, 2014

Update and Etc.

Our paperwork is done, notarized, in the envelope that will be stamped and sent out TOMORROW!! Can you believe it?! This has happened relatively quick. We had a hiccup and an emotional roller coaster for one part, but was fixed and an issue no more. We are still waiting for an attorney we picked out to get back to us. But that is something that we don't have to have before sending the paper work off. YAY! We are still trying to raise money, so buy some cupcakes or cakeballs from Frosted Cupcakery by Hannah or you can just donate here if you would like. 

Speaking of which. We have plans to definitely scale back for Christmas this year a lot. That's one corner we have cut back to save money for our adoption. (So if you’re lucky to get a not super sweet gift this year, you know why).

It is late fall so that means for the next few months Dave will be working all over the place again. We can’t wait for Dave’s job opportunity coming next year. Arizona can’t come fast enough!

Yesterday was C’s birthday. I couldn’t pass up these Sumo Bopping tube thingies, and it’s a good thing I didn’t because he made me laugh ALL day yesterday playing with these.

 I also made him birthday cupcakes! He insisted the strawberry vanilla cupcakes to have green frosting. I think they turned out pretty sweet. And so did the birthday boy who devoured 5 of them before lunch time. 

I love these boys sooo much. They have my heart and have convinced me that it would be okay to have boys. Haha. like its a choice, right?! Sorry about the overload of pics.

Our "monday" faces. haha...

 We were laughing because he called the olives cat poop. Yes, I did agree with him.

The aftermath of W attempting to feed himself.
As you can see we have way too much fun and it's totally normal if mom comes home and C tells her to go back to work because "Hannah's here!"

Sunday, October 12, 2014

I Stand All Amazed...

These past couple weeks have been so emotional for me, I have found purpose, peace and answers to our long frustrating journey to growing our family. (Yes, I am totally crying as I'm writing this, so sorry if thoughts are scattered).

It started about a month ago when I challenged myself to go to the temple once a week again. So the first week I went secretly heart broken and weary and frustrated with a group of friends from high school. I was giving up on our adoption journey and starting to be ok just having Dave and myself as a little family forever. Throughout the session and after in the celestial room in the temple I kept hearing my dad's voice in my head saying "Just wait, Sis. It will be okay. Trust me." I have never had that strong of an experience before. I knew it was the holy ghost, but It's never been that strong! After stopping for ice cream and later getting home I got on Facebook and I stumbled upon a comment on a private LDS adoption group I follow of a lady talking about her embryo adoption agency/business and a link to her website. I clicked on it and as it pulled up I got the 2nd most strongest feeling that this is what we need to do! I had never heard of this! I was super confused and wanting to know more. So I got on good ol' Youtube and found the ladies story (below) and I was shocked and amazed. When Dave got home I told him everything and he was excited and all for it. We contacted the lady and she gave us more information and later sent us paperwork. She said it will most likely be around a 6 months waiting game after we get paperwork in. She also said to look at other places and get on other waiting lists. We did. so now there are 3 options. Just what ever happens first is what we will go with. (most likely it will be hers)

1) If we get the green light from her, she will ship the embryos to our clinic and my specialist will start the process.

2) We're on her doctors list as well. He is in Portland, but it costs 1/3 less because his way doesn't need an attorney, its just in office and the embryos are already donated. We have friends 15 minutes away in Vancover so we would probably just drive up and stay with them.

3) My specialist is rolling out with an EA program and we're like 26th in line. Probably not going to happen.

I bet you are wondering what the crap I'm talking about, huh?!

So! When a couple has an IVF (where they take the sperm and egg to form embryos) sometimes they have extra left over. You can either freeze them, donate them to science, have them be destroyed or a newer thing have them be adopted! Once they are adopted they finish the process of implanting some of them into the womans body and hopefully takes and grows into a baby(s)!

One thought I had after we were educated and before we submitted for paperwork was that I need to be able to carry a baby. How can I carry a baby if I can't even get pregnant?  I went to get a zone from the lovely Teresa. I was unloading everything to her and we muscle tested and felt really good about 3 embryos being transfered when the time comes.

 It was confirmed in the temple and in the sweetest blessing Dave gave me the other night. One thing that was said was "it dosnt matter if you deliver a healthy baby by embryo adoption or if you choose to adopt from a birth mother, You will recieve the same spirit." How sweet is that? It is amazing to me that his plan is bigger than mine. I never would of thought this could happen. I get to carry my adoptive children. I don't have to miss out on any of our childrens experiences. Especially their entrance into this world.  I know he has guided us to the best alternative we didnt even know was out their! He knows our needs and wishes and he hears our prayers and is on our side, If we just go to him in prayer and faith and patience he will bless us! The past few days he has been unfolding his plan for us and his plan is SO much bigger than ours, If we live righteously and follow his commandments, he will show us the way to be happy and guide our lives to bless us. I know this first hand and this is my testimony.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Yeah... I'm bad.

So the other day I was thinking, "I guess I should blog again. Didn't I just write a post?" Yeah.. like a month and a half ago. Good job Hannah. Haha! I'm sure we all do this. AmIright?! Time just keeps going whether we like it or not, I guess.

So anyways! What's new you ask?

Well! I started to nanny for a lady in my parents ward. Oh. My. Gosh! Her kids are seriously the CUTEST! I have fallen in love. I watch the 2 youngest boys. "C" the 3 year old and "W" the 1 year old, and they have my heart. We have had some serious fun! In fact he tells his mom and dad to go back to work when they get home so we can keep playing. We love playing with play dough, and monster trucks, playing on the iPad, going in the back yard to jump on the tramp, decorating cookies, and reading stories.
Last week Dave and I took them on a outing to the Aquarium in Draper. What an adventure that day was! It was great! C was so good. He held my had and would ask to run to the corner and back when we were walking. We saw some sharks, starfish, ducks, penguins and other fish and things then after asking C if he was hungry we went to the Cafe to get lunch. HAHAHA!!! What a lunch. We ordered him food and sat town when all of a sudden W looked very concentrated and turned red then just let loose with explosive diarrhea. everywhere. How embarrassing! it was all over the floor, all over me and him, and it was in my shoes. EW! EW! EW! I cringed every step to the bathroom holding him out so I don't get more poop on me and when we got to the bathroom I stripped him and gave him a wipe down, twice- including myself. Of course it was the day I forgot to see if there was an extra pair of clothes so I had to buy him a new shirt at the gift store. The whole time C was enjoying his lunch with Dave. I am so grateful he was there with me.
On the way home we just laughed. For the first time in my life, I am very grateful for my training as a CNA. Anyways! Here's some pictures before the lunch encounter. Lol

This pose still cracks me up!

Cupcakes are still going well. I did a cousins wedding reception a few weeks ago. She was beautiful, he was handsome, and the cupcakes were gorgeous!

A few weeks ago I went to the new Ogden temple open house with the primary kids and it was so sweet to see their faces on the tour of the inside. It is so immaculate, I am so excited for my mom who will be one of   the temple workers.

One of my other cousins was sealed last week. It was a beautiful ceremony and awful weather outside.         Before the storm, I took this beauty. I just love this picture.

Oh! and at my other cousins wedding in Idaho, one of my other cousins came up to me and showed me this gem. I thought it was HILARIOUS! thought I'd share. Look at my hair and those glasses! Haha 

We also went to see Wicked in July. It was amazing. My third time and Daves first. He loved it! And now     hates the Wizard of Oz.

We have decided to try embryo adoption. It is like 80% cheaper than "normal" adoption. If you aren't familiar with embryo adoption it's basically where We adopt a baby in embryo form and I can carry the baby.
When a couple has extra embryos when doing IVF, they can either donate them to science, have them destroyed, or frozen for later. I had no idea about the adoption or we would have done it sooner. Were on 2 waiting lists so we will see what comes of it. We are very excited.

Dave is still working as a PI. He is so sick of it. He is looking for another job, but can't find one that pays as much as he's making now. He has a really good shot with Cigna as a SIU Investigator in Arizona at a new branch they're in the process of making plans for building in the spring of 2015. Which is awesome! We've been looking to get out of the safe "Utah bubble" for a while.

Monday, July 14, 2014

It's Here.

I finally did it. I started my own business! After the thought every once in a while for the past 5 years and again more recently trying to come up with ways to pay for our adoption, I decided that I have almost nothing to loose. I found an amazing business advisor, she is helping me get everything in order and it's coming along great and faster that I thought it would! You can take a look at my website and order at I am also on facebook.
This past weekend I went to a cousins bridal shower and decorated cupcakes. They were so cute and I got 2 events out of it. I am so excited!! I cannot wait to see what this new chapter in our life brings.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


June went by really fast and was filled with some fun little things almost every day. I wish time would slow down a bit. Sheesh! First off, I went to the Doctor due to some tmi issues I wont go into, but in short, I'm going to be doing a couple IUI's back to back. The first IUI will be normal, and the second one we will try injectible ovulation medication. YIKES!!! I am NOT going to love giving myself a shot for a few days. But I am glad I have phlebotomy experience.
The difference with the second round is the medication releases more eggs. So there is a higher chance of multiples. Dave is freaking out thinking were going to have triplets and I'm over here thinking nothing will happen because I have completely given up going this route for having kids. But it's way cheaper than a $35,000 adoption loan and that's why were still trying with the infertility doctor. One thing I really love about visiting the IF doctor is the non-normal is normal! and they care more about your feelings and they have a lot of different options, it just depends on how much you are willing to spend.

    Anyways, this month we helped my best friend Chelsee move into her new apartment.

We celebrated our 5th Wedding Anniversary! We have been through a lot together, and this years           anniversary was extra special. There were a lot of awesome special feelings going around. I don't               know why or how, but it for sure felt different in a good way.

I got a 5 year anniversary band and I bought Dave and I tickets to go see wicked. He has never seen it, but    he is super excited to go when it comes this month. I've seen it twice and I'm very excited to see it again.

We went to Bear Lake at the end of the month for a few days. It was really fun! Even though it rained most of the time we were there. The first day we were there Dave needed to use some wifi to get a report off, so   we drove into Montpelier where we found the cutest coffee shop. My grandparents lived in that town, so of course we had to drive by, snap a picture and blow kisses.

 We took some pictures at the beach, it was cold and windy and was raining really hard on one of our daily   four wheeler rides. But we loved every minute of it!

The sunsets were beautiful every night!

After some thoughts and comments and a talk with my business adviser, I am going to be starting my own cupcake business! I am so excited and thrilled. I have a lot to do before I say anything more, but I thought you would like to know. It seems to be a really good fit for me right now. I love how I can do it out of my     home and on my own time. It's a perfect fit next to my nanny job starting next month.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Our Very Merry Month of May

...Was really busy! We finished putting together and had our adoption carnival. You can click here to read about it. We also had my sisters high school graduation. I thought there were a lot of kids that graduated. Good for them! It was stated that over half the kids received some kind of scholarship. That's amazing. Go Lancers.

My birthday was the same day as her graduation, so Dave and I celebrated my birthday last Monday. I got a new swimming suit, 2 new shirts and a pair of shorts and he took me to my favorite restaurant. I love him. My family will celebrate with me soon.
Oh and for more good news, we paid off the Saturn last week. YAY!!!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Sock Song

So I have found the SHAYTARDS on youtube a few months ago, and have been watching these entertaining videos when ever I have a few minutes. Shay is so amazing. He is one of the greatest guys I know... don't know? lol. I have never met him. But he vlogs every day so I feel like I know him. (He is the one that created a business and sold it to Disney a few months ago.) His family is so amazing too. I love how he and his wife raise there kids. They are so confident and sweet. I think it has to do with there parenting style too. I just love it. Anyways, here is one of his comercials for socks they did and its soooo funny.


So I noticed I havent blogged this month and tomorrow is the 30th. Oops.. Give me a break!!! I've been doing adoption stuff. like preparing for this!

 And all this stupid paper work still. We are almost done with it. Only like a few more parts to a question.

Oh man! I cannot wait until we can have our money raised and our paperwork in. I am super glad my cousin found that carnival. It's been in the works since December. At the booth were going to have a silent auction, a gourmet cupcake stand with 5 different flavors and some cakeballs in a cup for little kids. We will also have more baby bibs and some knitted tea cup sets. And if I can find time in between now and then from making 20 dozen cupcakes, 3 batches of cakeballs and soliciting, I may make some bath bombs to sell too.
SO COME OUT TO SUPPORT US AND SEE DAVE AND I. Also, if you have something you want to donate to the silent auction, it would be gratefully accepted. it can be anything, big or small. The best part of the carnival is what ever amount of money we make, is ours.

Some other things we have done this month was to go out with some of my friends from high school for Jordans birthday. It was so much fun!! We spent the whole day in SLC. We met at Toscano's for lunch.

 Then we walked around City Creek. Then we went to take a tour at the LDS Conference Center and walked around Temple Square. Then we went to The Melting Pot for dessert.

It was a beautiful fun filled day. Oh, and also a selfie with President Monson and Uchdorf because I'm wierd. (No, but really my family is tight with President Monson. He was going to come to our wedding, but his grandson was getting sealed the same morning so he coudnt make it, but he said he was in the temple and was thinking of us.)

Monday, March 10, 2014

Our Adoption Agency.

Last week was truly a miracle. Daves case was cut a day early, so he came home. Which was a huge blessing. He was supposed to be with me the next day. 
The next day was my yearly at the OB. Everything looked great! No cysts, and they tested me for pregnancy since I had recently had my 2nd IUI. It was negative, and I felt okay and at peace about it. Usually it's a bad day if I know I have to take a test because my dreams are always crushed.
You must know, for the past few months I have done my fare share of research looking at adoption agencys and came up with a few. Then I asked around a bit and there was one that caught my eye that I felt we need to go visit. Sooooo after the appointment on a whim I said why not?! Lets go since Dave is home for a couple days. So we got there and walked in and sat down with the director and social worker and talked for a while about everything. These ladies are AWESOME!!! They gave us background check papers and we went home and started paperwork. And thats about all we did for the next two days along with sending out reference letter information, and copying lots of things, and making appointments, and making lists, and making family books, and it goes on and on. I have never seen so much paperwork. And were still not done. there are 3 pages of really hard questions we still need to fill out. 
Also, if you are looking to adopt or are a nosey rosie and want to see about the agency we picked, heres the link.
And I just have to add that my sister and I were adopted, so my sweet parents are helping and guiding us through all of this and keeping my emotions in check. We are seriously so blessed. I see so many blessings come to pass every day. I feel so humble and grateful. I can honestly say I have never felt this close to my Savior.- yes I am tearing up as we speak. haha.. 
We knew we were going to adopt. We didn't know when, and we knew it was going to cost a lot of money. So we had started saving. To help us along, my wonderful talented mom has started making these bibs to sell. All the money goes towards our adoption and a little bit towards supplies to make them. So if you would like to buy one or some, let me know and I can hook you up! They are $7.50 or 3 for $20. There are a lot more and different patterns. But here is idea of what they look like.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

IUI Poem by Me!

It's not very often I get in a creative writing mood, but the idea struck me silly. So thought I'd give it a whirl. Enjoy!!

Was't the week before the IUI, when my body's feeling hostile
Not a Letrozole was left, in the little yellow bottle.
The ovaries were full and ready to share,
In hopes that in a few weeks, a fetus would be there.

In bed the night before, I'm stressful and restless!
Thinking about cute names and pinning how to clean messes.
Dave notices, so he starts playing with my hair
All after we have knelt and said our heartfelt prayer.

In the morning we wake and get the cup ready to go
We have 60 minutes to get to the doctor’s office. QUICK! To the lab we'll show!
Now starts the waiting game while the prepping begins
We're in the waiting room. Dave's playing games, and I'm humming hymns.

The nurse takes us back, I'm gowned, then comes the ultrasound.
With the catheter ready, we are hopefully baby bound!
Now it’s time to be patient to see if it’s our time to be parents
Whatever happens, I am ready to be of acceptance.
-Hannah Cook

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Adoption Blog

Hey!! So we started a new blog today. We have decided to get our name out there in the adoption world. I will link both blogs to each other. Please follow us along our journey! We are also going to start a online fundraiser (its in progress so we dont have a link for you yet) to help us with adoption. We cannot to this by ourselves, we need your help in every way, shape, and form. From prayers to networking to good thoughts to helping with our fundraiser!

Thursday, January 23, 2014


While I was making our bed this morning, it dawned on me how many pillows we use at night. I use one. And sometimes a body pillow. He uses 7. I just had to laugh.. Im very grateful we have a king size bed.

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Something old, something new.

So last week I sold our old table and bought a kitchen table from a friend of mine. Actually, she's the one that set Dave and I up. I waited all day anxiously. Then I got to work!
Here are some before pictures of day one. I sanded them a little bit more...

Day two, painted them...

Day three, antiqued them and added the finish and set it up...

It was such a fun project. I'm trying to convince Dave to let me do the entertainment center like this. :)

posted from Bloggeroid

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"Do you want a family?"

Of course we want a family! Someone was asking me about it the other day. In my mind I was thinking, "Oh honey, if you only knew." We have been thinking about a few things previously being questioned about it, and making a "plan of action" for now while I am not working. And if you want to know the plan... While I'm not working we will be getting a second opinion from another infertility specialist and do some IUI's and see about my insurance and IVF's. While that is happening, we talked to a close family friend today who is an Assistant US Attorney Child Advocate and works very close with the foster care and adoption agency. So hopefully we can get that ball rolling. Just please pray for us and keep your fingers crossed. Also, if you know anybody needing to place a baby, please please please keep us in mind.

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Since we have last talked a ton has happened. We moved back to Layton from Brigham City in August to be closer to family. We absolutely LOVE being back and we absolutely LOVE our new apartment. These pictures are pretty old. I have done a lot with the place since these pictures, but it kind of gives you a clue as to what our place looks like. Its 2 bed (each has a walk in closet) 2 bath, over 1000 sq ft. built earlier this (well now last spring/summer), granite counter tops, hard wood floors, tons of closets and a pantry, really high ceilings and it is sooo spacious. I some how deleted the other pictures, so here is whats left. Haha.. If you want to come over some time and see our new place and stay for dinner and a movie or games, we would love to have ya!
I changed jobs due to medical reasons with my infertility meds and then quit my latest job last week. I was also just called to teach Valiant 8. I am so excited!!! Right now I am trying to relax and go more in depth with my fertility issues medically and psychologically. So if you ever want to hand out or go out for lunch some time, I'm open. :) Dave is still working away as a Private Investigator, and has been super busy. YAY!! For Thanksgiving we went to the Cooks for Dinner. It was so fun to visit with them. Then for Christmas eve I had to work until 5. So Dave went with his family to Golden Coral until I got off then we joined my family at their house for some super fun games I put together for a Minute to Win It, various appetizers for dinner. It was a great night! The next morning we opened presents, then we went to his parents to visit and exchange gifts. Then we ventured to other family members houses on his side. It was fun to see everyone, but made for a long day. I am so excited for my next project. I bought a wonderful used table and chairs from a friend I'm going to repaint. Not sure on the colors yet, but i am so excited to get my craft on.