Tuesday, May 24, 2011


So, David and I went to the doctor yesterday and it looks like we have a false positive on our hands. They took lots of blood to run tests and the doctor says that the pain I've had may be my appendix. So we scheduled another appointment for next month. The doctor says that she really wants to help us, and says everything will be okay and hopefully what they are going to do will help us get pregnant in the next 6 months or so.
It really sucks, and we are very sad. But I guess that's just life. I'm so happy I have 2 such amazing families to be there for Dave and I through it all. When the time is right, everything will work out.
In the midst of that, due to my ahem. fantastic. ahem. work they decided not to give me the weekend off I needed so we can move into our new house. So we are slowly but surely taking a truck load of our stuff about every other day until we can take the big stuff on the 4th of June.


  1. I'm so sorry. I know I can't understand what you're feeling, but you're in our prayers.

    Please let us know if you need any help moving. We have a truck!

  2. I'll be praying for you guys! I think I want to go to your work and smack them over the head with a frying pan or something. Seriously, are they sadistic?

  3. I'm sorry sweet girl. :( Love you guys!

  4. Take it from me....you've earned the right to "mourn" your loss. I understand. You were gearing up for a wondrous, happy thing and now you've been seriously let down. It's okay to feel badly for a while. Just know that lots of people are pulling for you. Liebe!
