Saturday, May 7, 2016


What happened in our last post happened in November. We grieved in December, we are still healing but all is well. Also in December we got a phone call from our embryo coordinator saying she had a family very interested in our profile and asked if we wanted to try this again. We had a little money left over, and we prayed about it and we decided to go with it. She said the lady wants to get it done ASAP because her and her husband didn't want to pay another storage fee. So we met with our lawyer again and came up with another adoption agreement. Then we went to the doctor and got everything into place. January came and was almost over when the coordinator called to say the husband of our donor couple had changed his mind and didn't want to go through with it. His wife was sad and was trying to figure out what happened with him. So after all that excitement, frustration with already paying some fees, hustling and hope, and after a huge heartache we were left embryo-less once more. We called the doctor and he was sad and concerned. He still wanted to meet with us to discuss other options, so we set an appointment and went to see him. He was very kind and he told us we should consider IVF. My eggs are beyond perfect and Dave has been working on his end. We laughed when we saw the price and told him we just couldn't afford it. The doctor then recommended doing another IUI. I rolled my eyes and said it wouldn't work because we had already done four of them with no luck. He wanted to get a little more aggressive this time with hormone shots and a couple of other meds we hadn't tried before. The doctor and Dave had to really had to persuade me, but they did. We got the meds and were ready to start the cycle. As the time came for the IUI  (this is totally our luck) Dave got called out on his last road trip and he couldn't move it. I. Was. Pissed. I had finally gotten mentally prepared to take that stupid shot and had taken all the other meds and submitted my will to the Lord and after all our heartbreaks one after another... did this really just happen? I had a panic attack and then got over it. I've been through this before, taken pills for IUI's, gotten all prepared and then Dave had to go on another business trip. There would be another chance next month to use those dang stupid needles. We called the doctor to get things set up for the next cycle.
So Dave left and came back, and then we waited. And waited. And waited. This happens all the time. My cycles can go an unheard of amount of time if I don't eat really well or if I don't take a hormone. Finally, the time was about right, but to start the whole thing, I had to take another pregnancy test, and if you know me, that's a swear word in my house. Anyways! Sunday night I found the last test and was mentally preparing myself and praying to some how let it be positive because I didn't want to buy any more. Monday morning came and I was super grumpy, sad and irritated because of what had happened earlier this cycle and it's going to be another negative because I'm not supposed to be a mom in this life and HOLY CRAP DO I SEE A LINE BEFORE THE EVIL LINE?! DAVE WAKE UP. DO YOU SEE TWO LINES?! (this was at 5am) He wasn't excited. We have had a false positive before, so we didn't want to get our hopes up. I called the doctor and left a message. Tuesday I went in for blood work and the numbers came back high. We had our very first ultra sound Thursday and there it was, a tiny little embryo squiggle. OUR tiny little embryo. Wow! What a miracle! What a dream! What a blessing! We had been told we had a 15% chance to conceive after taking the meds, and that was on a GOOD month.  We went in the next 2 weeks after that and then, lo and behold... Roger, we have a heartbeat. My most favorite doctor was SO amazed and happy for us, but he told us that since there was a heartbeat, his work as a specialist was done and we needed to go back to our regular doctor. So we went back to my old OB/GYN and we felt like we were cheating a little bit, but then I remembered how much I liked him. We got another ultra sound and he gave us a book and a speech and we were on our way. My 12 week appointment is on the 12th of May and we still can't believe were having a baby.
Oh! The most amazing thing that proves this is the right timing and a true blessing from Heavenly Father is the due date is a year to the day from when we had our 3 embryos implanted last year.