Dave and I have discovered that when we have a "big day" something tragic happens. For example our wedding day, Michael Jackson died (but Dave says that's not all that tragic). Well yesterday, the day Dave graduated, one of our baby bunnies died. I was so sad, I just cant help to think past the point of If I cant keep a baby bunny alive, how will I be able to keep my kids alive?! We think that the mamma sat on the baby :( Im pretty sure we wont sit on our babies, but still I'm so paranoid now. On a good note, the whole Elizabeth Smart thing was wonderful news.
Today will be a better day for Hannah. The baby bunny's death kind made her really sad. We've got fun stuff planned for today, though. Due to conflicting events, we had to schedule my "hooray you graduated" dinner for this afternoon. We'll be eating at the famous Bucca di Beppo in Salt Lake.
We also decided to get a Kinect system for our X-Box. We played a demo model at the store the yesterday and Hannah thought it was fun. I did, too. It's much better than the Wii, I think. Hannah's excited to get some dancing games. Merry Christmas to us!
We'll post graduation pics as soon as we can get them uploaded.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Dennis = Denise
Dennis is a Denise. Who knew?
Way back when, Hannah decided she needed a little critter to love and take care of when I was at work. We got a little black dwarf bunny and named her Harley. Then Hannah decided that Harley was lonely and needed a friend. We got Dennis and Harley proceeded to beat six different kinds of snot out of poor Dennis. We sold Harley and got Dennis' brother to be a friend.
Everything was going swimmingly. The bunnies were getting along great. A little too great as at times as we'd catch the other bunny, who we named Carl, engaging in what could only be described as bunny prison rape. We didn't think too much of it because we thought they were both males, and one of them was gay.
We were wrong.
This morning, I noticed that the bunnies had thrown a bunch of their bedding out of the cage and bent down to clean it up. I heard squeaking and much to my surprise, I was in time to see the last of four little baby bunnies enter the world.
Well, crap.
Hannah was taking a friend home from visiting our place when she got my call. She immediately turned around and raced home at 85 MPH.
The second thing I did was to separate Carl from Denise and the babies, as he apparently decided that the best way to celebrate fatherhood was to try and make more babies.
After some frantic Googling and texts and calls to people who know about baby bunnies, we got the babies and the mother set up in a warm, cozy box.
Long story short- anyone want a little baby bunny? Please?

Two months, and they're yours. For a small, reasonable fee. Get your orders in now.

Aww... Look how cute. Its like he's saying, "Buy me! I'm cuddly!"
Dennis is a Denise. Who knew?
Way back when, Hannah decided she needed a little critter to love and take care of when I was at work. We got a little black dwarf bunny and named her Harley. Then Hannah decided that Harley was lonely and needed a friend. We got Dennis and Harley proceeded to beat six different kinds of snot out of poor Dennis. We sold Harley and got Dennis' brother to be a friend.
Everything was going swimmingly. The bunnies were getting along great. A little too great as at times as we'd catch the other bunny, who we named Carl, engaging in what could only be described as bunny prison rape. We didn't think too much of it because we thought they were both males, and one of them was gay.
We were wrong.
This morning, I noticed that the bunnies had thrown a bunch of their bedding out of the cage and bent down to clean it up. I heard squeaking and much to my surprise, I was in time to see the last of four little baby bunnies enter the world.
Well, crap.
Hannah was taking a friend home from visiting our place when she got my call. She immediately turned around and raced home at 85 MPH.
The second thing I did was to separate Carl from Denise and the babies, as he apparently decided that the best way to celebrate fatherhood was to try and make more babies.
After some frantic Googling and texts and calls to people who know about baby bunnies, we got the babies and the mother set up in a warm, cozy box.
Long story short- anyone want a little baby bunny? Please?

Two months, and they're yours. For a small, reasonable fee. Get your orders in now.

Aww... Look how cute. Its like he's saying, "Buy me! I'm cuddly!"
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Winter is here
It offically feels like winter with Christmas on its way! My house is mostly decorated with the appropriate decor and Christmas music playing. I love how its snowy and cold outside and warm and homey on the inside, mostly with comforting aromas like bread, or cookies, or hot chocolate. Mmmm
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
awesome surprize
So yesterday I was also at my parents house making dinner. My mom came home from the DI and said she had the coolest thing ever. I was not imagining anything close to a cupcake tin, but it really is the coolest thing ever, and I cant wait to make cup cakes with it. THANKS MA!

P.S. If you ever need super cool cupcakes for anything, I can make you some. Ill only charge you the cost of the ingredients and a small fee. :)

P.S. If you ever need super cool cupcakes for anything, I can make you some. Ill only charge you the cost of the ingredients and a small fee. :)
My Good Excuse
So I really want to put up my Christmas decorations early (as usual), but Dave won't let me for a few more weeks. So I decided to run my brain and come up with a really good excuse yesterday, and this is what I came up with: "Honey, I need to talk to you. I've been thinking about something. Its Thanksgiving time, and you know we show our gratitude for everyone and everything, Right? Well, I am feeling inspired to put up our Christmas decorations up before thanksgiving to show Heavenly Father and Jesus how grateful we are for them." You think it worked, right?! Nope. It didnt. Dave just laughed hard like a bowl full of jelly and told me how cute I am. LAME!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Be Grateful!
Right now we have one car that works. All though its been quite a burden and a puzzle trying to get Dave and I to where we need to be on time. Its kind of nice just using one car. Less money for gas, more car rides together, and "helping the environment". It has made me stop to think about my life and how blessed I really am. I guess its one of those things that you start to get frustrated over, then realizing that your lucky and blessed to even have a car.
If it wasnt for my friend who has helped me lately about being positive and having a good attitude and about my spirit, I would be so miserable and a grouch monster! :) So thank you friend, for making me a stronger person today, then I would have been by myself. Cheers!
If it wasnt for my friend who has helped me lately about being positive and having a good attitude and about my spirit, I would be so miserable and a grouch monster! :) So thank you friend, for making me a stronger person today, then I would have been by myself. Cheers!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Daves Doctorate in Awesomeness
I have decided that Dave isn't just graduating in December of this year with a Bachlors Degree in Criminal Justce with a Minor in Phsycology. But also a Doctorate in Awesomeness. He is super excited to be done with school for now. (I hope he'll pick up his masters someday). He is super lucky, I wish I was done. Ive decided to be a Dental Hygeinist. When he finishes POST we will be looking for jobs by schools with my specialty so I can officially start school. Unfortunately there are only 3 places in Utah that have the DH program, and the closest is in Ogden, but so many people go there for DH that its hard to get into. So, most likely we will be moving for my schooling. Were hoping to find somewhere close, I'm thinking outside of the box (Utah, that is) like Washington state, Idaho, or New York. Who knows what time will bring. All I can say is this next chapter of our life will bring a TON of change.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Today, Dave and I went to get a zone from a family friend. It was the most relaxing thing I think I have ever experienced and I cannot tell you how great I feel! I havent felt this happy and light in a very long time. I was able to solve a few things with my body and spirit, and Dave was able to get rid of his heart burn and allergy to cocoa butter. Thank you Teresa! We love you!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Fall is my favorite time of the year. It is so relaxing and rejuvenating. It feels so magical, and romantic! The fragrant of fall is so strong and bitter sweet. The temperature is perfect outside. Car rides through the canyons are beautiful, and it just makes me that much more thankful for the earth Heavenly Father has created for me. I start thinking more of how grateful I am about everything in my life. It puts me in a better mood, and a better state of mind. I think I play my violin more in the fall, the music seems to be more relaxing, and the perfect genre for autumn. A memory I have when I think of fall takes me back to my grandparents house in Idaho, watching my grandpa make a fire in there fire place, and jumping in a huge pile of leafs my grandma made just for me. I miss them so much. Every year, Dave and I go to a haunted house, I end up hiding behind him with my head buried in his back. Haha. We also love to cuddle on the “luv sac” and watch “You’ve Got Mail” and drink hot chocolate with the window open and only our “fall lights” on. Any ways, just thought I’d share why I love fall!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Hannah's Projectile
So, Hannah, Ali, and I went out for Chinese food after watching Ali play soccer. The place is called Royal Jade, and as a Chinese food aficionado I have to say it's mediocre. Not the best I've ever had, but worth going back to.
Anyway, whenever we go out to eat the same thing always happens no matter where we go. we all pull the ends off our straw wrappers and blow the wrappers off the straw onto the other person. Good clean restaraunty fun. Until last night when physics played a joke on us. Hannah tore the end off of her straw wrapper, placed the straw to her lips, and she huffed and she puffed and blew the wrapper straight at Ali. Only to have the wrapper catch an updraft, sail right over Ali's head, over the top of the booth, and into the food of the people in the next booth over.
A confused woman's voice was heard to say, "This wrapper just came sailing in out of nowhere."
Ali ducked under the table, and Hannah turned bright red and laughed uncontrollably for about five minutes, trying to be quiet about it and being spectacularly unsuccessful.
The odd thing was, the people who recieved Hannah's little gift never so much as glanced our way. It was as if the truly could not figure out where that could have come from. I guess that's a good thing, because it saved Hannah from having to explain.
Anyway, whenever we go out to eat the same thing always happens no matter where we go. we all pull the ends off our straw wrappers and blow the wrappers off the straw onto the other person. Good clean restaraunty fun. Until last night when physics played a joke on us. Hannah tore the end off of her straw wrapper, placed the straw to her lips, and she huffed and she puffed and blew the wrapper straight at Ali. Only to have the wrapper catch an updraft, sail right over Ali's head, over the top of the booth, and into the food of the people in the next booth over.
A confused woman's voice was heard to say, "This wrapper just came sailing in out of nowhere."
Ali ducked under the table, and Hannah turned bright red and laughed uncontrollably for about five minutes, trying to be quiet about it and being spectacularly unsuccessful.
The odd thing was, the people who recieved Hannah's little gift never so much as glanced our way. It was as if the truly could not figure out where that could have come from. I guess that's a good thing, because it saved Hannah from having to explain.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
David's Birthday!
Today was so much fun! If you know me, I love giving people presents to open. So I woke up at 3:30, 6 and 8:30 wanting him to open his presents (I cant help it, I was too excited) These are the presents I gave him for his birthday, and I had to buy them the night before. (You know, to make sure I wouldnt tell, or open them myself because I get too excited)

If you cant make out all the presents in the photos, the presents were: Nerds,a Barnes and Noble gift card, an Optimus Prime mask, Star Wars Legos, Kool-Aid shirt,a bag of Snickers, and a pair of Flash briefs (just for fun, who knows, that could very well be a white elephant gift this year. So family beware!)
After getting ready for the "big day", we went to 2 Barnes and Noble bookstores for over 2 hours! Dave was reading comic books, being a nerd and I was reading some organic pharmaceutical book that was quite interesting. Then we went window shopping at Old Slavery (at least that's what Dave called it) and Toys "R" Us. We found this awesome lego fireman just hanging out, so we decided to stop to take some pictures.

Then we made a pit stop at my family's house to say hi, and for Dave to get his new pants (thanks ma) I've wanted to get a picture of my dog Daisy when she smiles, but I always forget. But I promise I will get one to show you that she really truely does smile. Its the cutest thing EVER!!!
After we went out to dinner with Dave's parents to McGrath's for dinner. Dave chooses that place for dinner every year, just for their king crab legs. The boy loves his crab!
We hurried home afterwards to watch a movie and to eat his birthday cake. I make it special once a year for him, because there is about a years worth of chocolate in that cake. I put Hersheys syrup and chocolate chips in with the triple fudge and pudding cake mix, then with chocolate frosting on top. It was a super fun day!
If you cant make out all the presents in the photos, the presents were: Nerds,a Barnes and Noble gift card, an Optimus Prime mask, Star Wars Legos, Kool-Aid shirt,a bag of Snickers, and a pair of Flash briefs (just for fun, who knows, that could very well be a white elephant gift this year. So family beware!)
After getting ready for the "big day", we went to 2 Barnes and Noble bookstores for over 2 hours! Dave was reading comic books, being a nerd and I was reading some organic pharmaceutical book that was quite interesting. Then we went window shopping at Old Slavery (at least that's what Dave called it) and Toys "R" Us. We found this awesome lego fireman just hanging out, so we decided to stop to take some pictures.

Then we made a pit stop at my family's house to say hi, and for Dave to get his new pants (thanks ma) I've wanted to get a picture of my dog Daisy when she smiles, but I always forget. But I promise I will get one to show you that she really truely does smile. Its the cutest thing EVER!!!
After we went out to dinner with Dave's parents to McGrath's for dinner. Dave chooses that place for dinner every year, just for their king crab legs. The boy loves his crab!
We hurried home afterwards to watch a movie and to eat his birthday cake. I make it special once a year for him, because there is about a years worth of chocolate in that cake. I put Hersheys syrup and chocolate chips in with the triple fudge and pudding cake mix, then with chocolate frosting on top. It was a super fun day!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I love You Game
So! Last night we discovered a new game that we played for about a half an hour before going to sleep. I named it the "I Love You" game, it all started when I said, "I love you", then Dave said, "I love your face!" Then I said, "I love your nose!" Then Dave said, "I love your liver!" and it snowballed from there. We took turns, trying to one-up each other with "I love your (insert scientific body part name here)!" Things like sernum, gastrocnemius, sternocleidomastoid, etc. until we couldn't think of any more(without repeating), that is because we believe we used all of them. You should bone up (get it?) on your human anatomy and give it a shot.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Dear Everyone!
I have launched a new blog today about cooking and recipes, check it out at, mytastebudbliss.blogspot.com I will add a new recipe once a week. Im super excited to share with everyone!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
coolest experience ever!
Okay! truth is I cant decide if it is cool or creepy. Ill let you decide!
Today I was in a patients room, she has a hard time talking but once you get her going she'll talk your ear off. So I was talking to her for a few minutes since my day was super slow. Ans all of a sudden she started saying things and making noises like another patient did that used to be in her spot before she died about 8 months ago. Once I got her attention back, I asked her why she was doing that. She told me "because the lady right there (and she NAMED her with out EVER meeting her) told me to do it for you. You cant see these people that I can". I was so shocked! Its amazing how thin the veil can be at times at the hospital.
Today I was in a patients room, she has a hard time talking but once you get her going she'll talk your ear off. So I was talking to her for a few minutes since my day was super slow. Ans all of a sudden she started saying things and making noises like another patient did that used to be in her spot before she died about 8 months ago. Once I got her attention back, I asked her why she was doing that. She told me "because the lady right there (and she NAMED her with out EVER meeting her) told me to do it for you. You cant see these people that I can". I was so shocked! Its amazing how thin the veil can be at times at the hospital.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Im excited to say we can start looking at buying a condo/ townhome now, hopefully in the area between Salt Lake and South Ogden. We are so ready to get out of this cute little place were in now and hopefully get into a 2-3 bed 1-2 bath. If you know of any areas or places that are opened up, please let me know!
Monday, August 23, 2010
inspiring quote of the day!
“Patience is not passive resignation, nor is it failing to act because of our fears. Patience means active waiting and enduring. It means staying with something and doing all that we can—working, hoping, and exercising faith; bearing hardship with fortitude, even when the desires of our hearts are delayed. Patience is not simply enduring; it is enduring well!” -Pres. Uchtdorf :)
I am officialy starting the Glee count down. So in case you are wondering... 29 days till Glee starts up again! Yay! *Jumping with glee*
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
My lucky charm!
Early last week, Dave was let go from his "job". That moment, I started to worry about everything! Like, what shall we sell first, how we would ask our parents for food, wondering if it would be a problem living in our apartment and work off rent, me picking up extra shifts at work (no bueno), etc.
Every day Dave would search for jobs, fill out applications, and pray. 2 days went by and he got a phone call from a place he applied at and told him he had an interview on Monday. 4 days nervously went by and he went in... he was offered the job! so, when he came home to tell me he got it I was so happy! especially about the part where he was only out of a job for 6 days! (thats impressive for these days). I guess the Lord does love us and want us to succeed, we are truly blessed! (He starts Thursday. YAY!)
Every day Dave would search for jobs, fill out applications, and pray. 2 days went by and he got a phone call from a place he applied at and told him he had an interview on Monday. 4 days nervously went by and he went in... he was offered the job! so, when he came home to tell me he got it I was so happy! especially about the part where he was only out of a job for 6 days! (thats impressive for these days). I guess the Lord does love us and want us to succeed, we are truly blessed! (He starts Thursday. YAY!)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Date night!
So last week we went on a date! (Its been quite a while since we have, so it was a treat). We went to go see a movie. If you have not seen Despicable Me we both recommend you do! I haven't laughed so hard since I dont know when. My favorite part was when the 2 minions were playing with the water cooler, and my favorite character is Agnes. She is so cute! After the hilarious movie, we went to the California Pizza Kitchen. Ive never been there before, it was okay... nothing special, just another pizza joint. We had a fun time there too, I can't tell you what else happened there, because it would be embarassing. :) Hope all is well, Happy Sabbath!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
I was looking at my friends facebook picture and found a new meaning for PHAT, so I thought id share it with you because it made me laugh, and if you ever hear me use it, you know how ill mean it. lol PHAT: (pretty huge and tator-totterish)
Monday, July 26, 2010
This week has finally gotten a little better, yay! I am settling down, and finding some inner peace. Thank goodness for my wonderful husband to help me along the way! Lately I have taken time to think about things Im grateful for and the blessings I have. If we all took a few minutes to stop and think about all the blessngs we have we would realize how truly blessed we are, the world wouldn't be such a dirty brief.
"Dont you quit. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some dont come until heaven... It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." ~ Elder Jeffery R. Holland
"Dont you quit. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead. Some blessings come soon, some come late, and some dont come until heaven... It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." ~ Elder Jeffery R. Holland
Friday, July 16, 2010
Bunny sick :(
Today, I had to give my bunny Harley to one of my coworkers. I wasnt expecting it to be today, so I guess thats why its a little harder on me.
We wanted another one, so we did, and the little one was having a hard time, so we got his brother. Then we decided we dont want babies, so we had to sell Harley. We'll just have to love the brothers just like we did Harley. I really think I might cry, I didnt know I was this attached to her. :( On the bright side, I told her that we'll have to have little family reunions! yay!
We wanted another one, so we did, and the little one was having a hard time, so we got his brother. Then we decided we dont want babies, so we had to sell Harley. We'll just have to love the brothers just like we did Harley. I really think I might cry, I didnt know I was this attached to her. :( On the bright side, I told her that we'll have to have little family reunions! yay!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
sleeplessly depressed
Dear Alone, Why do you accompany me tonight when I am too depressed to sleep. Something in my life needs to change. Yet, I am scared for the change, and I feel like Im being forced to change instead of wanting to. But if it makes the people around me feel better, I will please them. Am I thinking too hard, or too deeply? Is it all really just in my head? Can people really, truly change? I just dont know any more. Once you've been hurt so much, its hard to trust. I wish I could just shove all of this in a box, burn it, then burn the ashes, and move on with a new chapter in my life. I wish this would all go away, so I can finally enjoy my colorful life again, instead of this blurry dim black and white. I have so much to enjoy, but I just cant let myself have at it. Unfortunatly yours, Sleeplessly Depressed
The song that sides me right now in my phase of life.
Glitter in the Air
Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Close your eyes and trust it, just trust it
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face
And said I just don't care?
It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn
The thunder before lightning, the breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way?
Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?
It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table, the walk before the run
The breath before the kiss and the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way?
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee, calling me sugar
You called me sugar
Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself
Will it ever get better than tonight? Tonight
Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Close your eyes and trust it, just trust it
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face
And said I just don't care?
It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg, the sun before the burn
The thunder before lightning, the breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way?
Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
Your whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?
It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table, the walk before the run
The breath before the kiss and the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way?
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee, calling me sugar
You called me sugar
Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself
Will it ever get better than tonight? Tonight
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Were moving on...
Life has definatly moved on since the last blog update. Lately we...
bought a newish car from a coworker of mine almost 3 weeks ago, its a 2004 red Saturn Ion.
We have house sat again 2 more times at both parents houses, very interesting this past time.
We finally got my lovesac into our apartment after a year convincing Dave it would fit. We bought our first vacume!
We had our very first "heated discussion" about something, or rather someone, it was pretty intence, before we got married I knew that was going to be our first major discussion. Thank goodness for aromatherapy in the shower, right? my kinda therapy, which ill be needing more of for the next LONG time.
We had our first anniversary! We went to see the penguin encounter, it was so cool! And had a wonderful dinner at The Garden on Temple Square.
We went to our first basebal game, So much fun, we won, Go Rapters!
Im now making the cutest cupcakes ever! They are so fun! So if you ever need cupcakes, let me know!
Our second holiday together (that nether of us had to work)was the 4th (5th) of july. It was so much fun! We watched my sister play in the all star softball game, we went to the Layton City parade and fireworks, played in the pool, had a bbq, and just enjoyed each others company on a holiday.
Our little or shall I say long bunny is doing well, she is so adorable! sociable as ever, and loves the grass. She has a funny attitude now. She "popcorns" a lot and its the funniet thing youll ever see.
Dave is getting ready to go back to school at WSU for his final semester. Whoo hoo!
Im also headed back for another semester at the LDS Business College, Im majoring in the Medical Assistant program.
bought a newish car from a coworker of mine almost 3 weeks ago, its a 2004 red Saturn Ion.
We have house sat again 2 more times at both parents houses, very interesting this past time.
We finally got my lovesac into our apartment after a year convincing Dave it would fit. We bought our first vacume!
We had our very first "heated discussion" about something, or rather someone, it was pretty intence, before we got married I knew that was going to be our first major discussion. Thank goodness for aromatherapy in the shower, right? my kinda therapy, which ill be needing more of for the next LONG time.
We had our first anniversary! We went to see the penguin encounter, it was so cool! And had a wonderful dinner at The Garden on Temple Square.
We went to our first basebal game, So much fun, we won, Go Rapters!
Im now making the cutest cupcakes ever! They are so fun! So if you ever need cupcakes, let me know!
Our second holiday together (that nether of us had to work)was the 4th (5th) of july. It was so much fun! We watched my sister play in the all star softball game, we went to the Layton City parade and fireworks, played in the pool, had a bbq, and just enjoyed each others company on a holiday.
Our little or shall I say long bunny is doing well, she is so adorable! sociable as ever, and loves the grass. She has a funny attitude now. She "popcorns" a lot and its the funniet thing youll ever see.
Dave is getting ready to go back to school at WSU for his final semester. Whoo hoo!
Im also headed back for another semester at the LDS Business College, Im majoring in the Medical Assistant program.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Adventures at my parents house!
This last week Dave and I are at my parents house while they are with my little sister in St. George for her "summer games" state soccer tournament. (Which by the way, they are bringing home the gold tomorrow! whoot whoot!) I has been quite the adventure! Here are some of the big points we've had; getting use to living with my sisters insane dog, daisy. Sleeping in a bed thats WAY to comfortable for our own good and older than both of our ages combined, which is gross if you think about all those nasty skin cells, im trying not to. Dave getting home about a half an hour earlier than normal. People I know coming to the door and having a wonderful conversation with them. Making meals, hoping they have the ingredients I need. Getting a medi pedi with a dear friend thats about to have her baby, yay! And most recently (about 10 minutes ago) figuring out my dumb dog ate 3 of my owl cupcakes!!! (guess they are good, considering I have not ate one yet.) Coming with that, watching her every move to make sure she doesnt get sick, and if she does preparing myself of what to do. :( The bet part of this week is that I didnt have to work and I cant wait till sunday, because were going back to the singles ward to see whats changed and then going back home!!!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Work and Such
My new work schedule is interesting. Instead of working 3-11pm, I now work 7am-3pm on various days, I love being done by 3 so I can have a "day" after work, but then im so tired I can hardly tell which end is up. Another nice thing about my new work schedule is I get to see Dave a bit more, and I get to make dinner at 5 instead of midnight, I also have a whole week off every other week, but I still work 3 days a week... complicated, but its pretty nice. Working as a CNA you cannot work more than that, you will kill yourself. I about have a time or two, or kidding but not kidding ask my husband to bring me home a case of beer. Of course I have not done anything of the sort, even though it would be nice... like the coffee at work, at times I am so tempted to drink some!
I guess what Im trying to say is Im looking for a new job, because most of the time you are ignored by pretty much everyone in the hospital, no matter how hard you work your butt off, you wont be aknowledged for the service you give. Or hell you have to take and get, and it just goes on and on. More days than not I have come home bawling my eyes out because of what I have to deal with.
On the other hand, Your job can be rewarding at times, when your patient is finally put out of there pain, or they get better and go home, or just those patients that are special spirits that you talk to the extra minute you have and they tell you a really cool life story that makes you want to be a better person.
That is just the begining without going into detail, really, I am not kidding. Well, you now have a tiny look at what I go through at my job as a CNA. Sorry I really had to vent. Yes, I do feel a little bit better. :)
I guess what Im trying to say is Im looking for a new job, because most of the time you are ignored by pretty much everyone in the hospital, no matter how hard you work your butt off, you wont be aknowledged for the service you give. Or hell you have to take and get, and it just goes on and on. More days than not I have come home bawling my eyes out because of what I have to deal with.
On the other hand, Your job can be rewarding at times, when your patient is finally put out of there pain, or they get better and go home, or just those patients that are special spirits that you talk to the extra minute you have and they tell you a really cool life story that makes you want to be a better person.
That is just the begining without going into detail, really, I am not kidding. Well, you now have a tiny look at what I go through at my job as a CNA. Sorry I really had to vent. Yes, I do feel a little bit better. :)
Sunday, May 30, 2010
I'm Twenty! ... Im SO old!
Saturday was an amazing day, it was my birthday! I woke up to a very yummy breakfast in bed made by my cute husband and then we drove up to my parents house in Layton where I was treated to a manicure with my sister and mom and hubby. Then we met my dad at Garcias for lunch. It was sooo good! Its my favorite mexican restaurant and I haven't been there since we have been married, because Dave dosen't like mexican food. Then my hubby and I window shopped at the mall, rented 2 movies and went to Wal Mart and bought a memory foam topper for our bed (since my back hurts a lot from my job),watched a movie, and went to bed. That night(as I always do) I thanked my birth mother in my heart for making that decision to give me a better life than she could have given me. What a wonderful day!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Our dinner guest
Last night we had a fabulous guest come over, he is Daves old russian mission companion. It was such a blast having him come over, we ate delicious authentic tacos I have never made before and root beer floats. We played a game and talked for hours! I cant wait till one of my best friends comes home from Germany to be set up with him. yay!
Saturday, May 15, 2010

That is Dave and Is word for the food is SO good, you can hardly stand it, and on the "making it again" list. While dave was at work last night I made Penne Rustica from Ramonos. It took a long time to make it, and very expencive (mostly for how you had to buy a huge container for about everything and only needed a few tablespoons of it). Now that we have most of the ingredients, so I can make it more often.I also made there rosemary bread too. It was all so good!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
We are learning so much about our new bunny, she is starting to recognize us and sits by our feet when were on the couch. Now she is jumping onto the couch from the floor. She loves to try and hide in the book cases, hop from thng to thing and run behind the couch when she hears a "scary" noise. Running is one of he favorite things to do! she will be sitting there one minute by your foot, then the next second she is gone because she jets around the ottomans soo fast that she does this hop sideways thing, its rather hilarious. She is such a sweetheart and LOVES to be held, and does not bite. Some of the cutest thing she does is clean her face, does her little puff ball routine, and snuggles up in her blanket in your lap... and lick Daves arm. She is in the midst of potty training, and I cant wait till she gets a little bit bigger so I can take her on walks outside on her harness. She is such a cute little happy bunny, and we love having her around.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mothers Day!
Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers and girl friends and wives! It sure is a beautiful day outside. I am such a lucky woman, to have such a wonderful husband that tells me how wonderful I am and treats me to a massage and flowers.
Saturday, May 1, 2010

The newest member of our family, Harley Rexina Cook. She is 4 weeks and 3 days old, and the size of your fist. She is adorable, such a sweetheart and LOVES to snuggle in her blanket and watch movies with you on the couch. We picked her up this morning, and is already potty training! I wish kids were this easy. lol
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Cuz I'm a... woman. W-o-m-a-n
One of the reasons why being a woman is awesome, is when you find a bargan. You feel so happy and warm inside, you scream SCORE! in your mind, and you feel so good knowing that you could have spent that money on the purchase you're about to make, when indead you could have put it towards something else.
I am saying this, because I found my bargan of the week, a cage. We have decided that we are getting a baby dwarf bunny next week. So one thing that women are also good at, is "nesting". I bought the cage on KSL for 35 dollars. After Dave and I went to pick it up, we went to Petsmart and Bird World, we looked at cages to see if we had saved any money. We TOTALLY did, about 100 dollars. Yahoo! now since we have the most vital part of that bunnie's life, I can officially slowly finish the nesting process.
Now, the name part, the hardest part of all. Dave decided the boy name, which will be Tyrannosaurus Rex and we will cal him "Rexie", if it is a girl, I think I have decided on Sweet Pea. When we get it, we wont be able to tell the sex for a few more weeks. so until then we will call it bunny, or it, or something like that.
I am saying this, because I found my bargan of the week, a cage. We have decided that we are getting a baby dwarf bunny next week. So one thing that women are also good at, is "nesting". I bought the cage on KSL for 35 dollars. After Dave and I went to pick it up, we went to Petsmart and Bird World, we looked at cages to see if we had saved any money. We TOTALLY did, about 100 dollars. Yahoo! now since we have the most vital part of that bunnie's life, I can officially slowly finish the nesting process.
Now, the name part, the hardest part of all. Dave decided the boy name, which will be Tyrannosaurus Rex and we will cal him "Rexie", if it is a girl, I think I have decided on Sweet Pea. When we get it, we wont be able to tell the sex for a few more weeks. so until then we will call it bunny, or it, or something like that.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Is honesty really the best policy? I submit that it is not. Ever since companies have made the move to computer-controlled hiring programs and surveys, honesty in applicants has become a liability. Gone are the days of an employer “feeling out” a prospective employee through interviews. These days, the interview is a formality. An attempt to rate a person on a human level by another human, but it is the soulless, intuitionless machine that we trust to make decisions.
Am I being too melodramatic? I doubt it. For example, I just completed my “interview” with a major security company. I arrived in a suit and tie a few minutes early as we’re told and taught to. I had previously filled out an application online and completed the questionnaire that goes with it, that list of statements with response choices ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”. The computer passed me through. When I arrived at the designated place, I was greeted by a secretary who sat me in a conference room and handed me yet another “assessment”. I answered every question truthfully and honestly. As this was a security company, the questions were about honesty, integrity, criminal history, drug use, and the like. I have never used any illegal drugs, nor do I have a criminal history. My personal integrity is very important to me. Confident in myself and my answers, I turned in the assessment. I then waited about 15 minutes while a computer scored my assessment. The manager came to collect me for the human part of the interview.
It lasted all of five minutes.
He asked about a couple of my responses, and a general “How much should an employee be allowed to steal before he’s fired” question. Then he sighed, and told me the computer had scored my responses as “not recommended for employment.” When I asked why, he told me that he didn’t know, the computer won’t divulge the reasons behind its decisions. I got the impression that had the decision been up to him, I would have had at least a shot at a real interview. He looked apologetic and told me that his hands were tied. Company policy states that if the computer returns “not recommended”, then that person is right out.
One of the first clichés that we learn is “Honesty is the best policy.” I believe that many of the world’s problems would be solved if people would just be honest. Personal integrity and honor should be important to everyone. Sadly, this is not the case.
We live in a world where greed and dishonesty are the norm. But it goes beyond that. Greed and dishonesty are accepted, expected, and even encouraged. Anything to get ahead, to gain an advantage.
Honest people are at a huge disadvantage in such a world. People work and sweat for years, and invest that hard-earned money to provide for themselves in retirement, and Bernie Madoff takes it for himself. Athletes work and train to give the best performance they can, to excel in the field of human physical achievement, and Barry Bond’s steroids set records.
A truly honest, honorable man tries to feed his family, and the computer rejects him for his honest answers.
What has happened to us?
Am I being too melodramatic? I doubt it. For example, I just completed my “interview” with a major security company. I arrived in a suit and tie a few minutes early as we’re told and taught to. I had previously filled out an application online and completed the questionnaire that goes with it, that list of statements with response choices ranging from “Strongly Agree” to “Strongly Disagree”. The computer passed me through. When I arrived at the designated place, I was greeted by a secretary who sat me in a conference room and handed me yet another “assessment”. I answered every question truthfully and honestly. As this was a security company, the questions were about honesty, integrity, criminal history, drug use, and the like. I have never used any illegal drugs, nor do I have a criminal history. My personal integrity is very important to me. Confident in myself and my answers, I turned in the assessment. I then waited about 15 minutes while a computer scored my assessment. The manager came to collect me for the human part of the interview.
It lasted all of five minutes.
He asked about a couple of my responses, and a general “How much should an employee be allowed to steal before he’s fired” question. Then he sighed, and told me the computer had scored my responses as “not recommended for employment.” When I asked why, he told me that he didn’t know, the computer won’t divulge the reasons behind its decisions. I got the impression that had the decision been up to him, I would have had at least a shot at a real interview. He looked apologetic and told me that his hands were tied. Company policy states that if the computer returns “not recommended”, then that person is right out.
One of the first clichés that we learn is “Honesty is the best policy.” I believe that many of the world’s problems would be solved if people would just be honest. Personal integrity and honor should be important to everyone. Sadly, this is not the case.
We live in a world where greed and dishonesty are the norm. But it goes beyond that. Greed and dishonesty are accepted, expected, and even encouraged. Anything to get ahead, to gain an advantage.
Honest people are at a huge disadvantage in such a world. People work and sweat for years, and invest that hard-earned money to provide for themselves in retirement, and Bernie Madoff takes it for himself. Athletes work and train to give the best performance they can, to excel in the field of human physical achievement, and Barry Bond’s steroids set records.
A truly honest, honorable man tries to feed his family, and the computer rejects him for his honest answers.
What has happened to us?
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Worlds best husband right here!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter! Our very first easter sucked. I worked the 7 to 3 shift, got off at 4 which pissed me off, then I came home, packed a weeks worth of everything and me and dave went to his parents house where we will pretend to live in a big clean house for the next week since his whole family is in the Bahamas. Then we ate frozen burritos and brats. At least that leaves a lot of improvemennt for next year, right? oh, and boo to work for not letting me watch any conference. Thbth. thank goodness there is a Ensign!
I dont know how to bring this on, so ill just say it. My husband is the most wonderful man alive! In a conversation we had, I told him that I didnt agree on the video games he has been playing and I felt like it took away from our "home spirit" and since Ive had the spirit with me so strong at school, which they call a "temple of learning" and the rest of the day, then coming home and it be gone, I also stressed a few other things, then we agreed on no more Halo and thost type of shooting games, but uplifting games like sports, etc. Ever since we have changed those ways the spirit dwells even more in our home and there is a more love feeling in our home. That was a big change for him, and Im so very proud of him for making that choice!
I dont know how to bring this on, so ill just say it. My husband is the most wonderful man alive! In a conversation we had, I told him that I didnt agree on the video games he has been playing and I felt like it took away from our "home spirit" and since Ive had the spirit with me so strong at school, which they call a "temple of learning" and the rest of the day, then coming home and it be gone, I also stressed a few other things, then we agreed on no more Halo and thost type of shooting games, but uplifting games like sports, etc. Ever since we have changed those ways the spirit dwells even more in our home and there is a more love feeling in our home. That was a big change for him, and Im so very proud of him for making that choice!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Blog spot is lame... that is all.
I think blog spots are stupid. Nobody ever reads it, (at least mine). If they do, I cant tell because nobody leaves comments. Because of that, its hard to write knowing that. Really the only fun thing to do is to pick a new style for the damn thing, and what drives me even more crazy is that some people live for there stupid blog spots. It's there whole life and everyone knows how great they are because of there stupid blog. Plus it makes everyone else hopeless because it makes other peoples life feels like theres is more suckish. lol, is that even a word? Well anyways, just thought I'd get that off my chest. Thank you, that is all. :)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Two more weeks!

This semester has flown by at school. I only have 2 more weeks left. This semester was so much fun at th BC. It wa full of making new friends and brain cakes and LOVING all my teachers and always feeling the spirit and having it guide your life and teach you everything you need to learn and more. My last and latest project for school this semester is these cute little nest easter treats I made today. So cute!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Spring is here!
I thought this would never happen through that long, miserable winter season. I am super excited! I love seeing the baby animals and the flowers starting to bud then bloom and the new spring air! You can smell the excitement all around, and people smiling more. I believe this is the season to celebrate life!
Easter this year will be quite interesting this year. Daves family will be on a cruise again, down in the bahamas this time. My family will be in Arizona. We will be house sitting at Daves parents house that whole week, starting general conference weekend. Im thinking we will decorate eggs and have ourselves a little easter egg hunt and celebrate Christs resurection and watch general conference of course! Well, if you have any other fun ideas we can do let me know! Happy Spring!
Easter this year will be quite interesting this year. Daves family will be on a cruise again, down in the bahamas this time. My family will be in Arizona. We will be house sitting at Daves parents house that whole week, starting general conference weekend. Im thinking we will decorate eggs and have ourselves a little easter egg hunt and celebrate Christs resurection and watch general conference of course! Well, if you have any other fun ideas we can do let me know! Happy Spring!
Monday, March 15, 2010
HCG Diet
I have been looking for some change in my life, and i finally found it! My wonderful cousin Megan inpired me to try this diet. So I decided to try it. 3 days after I orderred it it came in the mail. That was impressive! then I started that day. the first two days it says to binge. so thats what i did. oddly enough i didnt get sick or feel gross.. thanks to the drops, i suppose. The first day i ate... 2 cinnamon rolls, a double quarter pounder with cheese, fries, drink and ice cream, taco soup, nachos, and 2 more cinnamon rolls. Day 2 of the gorging i ate, 2 more cinnamon rolls,yakiniku, mac n cheese, caramel corn, and jello. This morning i weighed myself and if i had normally eaten all that, which never in my mind i would i probably would have gained like 6 pounds. But instead I LOST 5 POUNDS. in 3 DAYS!! I couldnt believe it! what a wonderful feeling that was. I hope i will be seeing this good of results until April 23rd. This portion of the diet im on a 500 calorie intake a day. So far, i feel full suprisingly. which is good. i hope the rest of the time is as easy as today!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Brain

Well, if you know me I’m a procrastinator.. so all day today after school I spent eight and a half hours building this brain cake that’s due tomorrow. it was fun and challenging, I’m sure if I made it again, it wouldn’t even take half the time. I’m glad I don’t have kids yet, because I know I wouldn’t have been able to get that whole thing plus a paper done tonight. whew!
The cold bug has officially hit the Cooks home. I haven’t been sick for over a year because I work at a hospital, so I’m immune to almost everything. Lately it seems that everyone is sick.. must just be that time of the year again ... Joy!
Looks like the end of summer/beginning of fall we will be getting ourselves into a real house!! im so excited. Dave will be graduated by then and out of the police academy, or close to it, but he will be paid during.
Well, hope everything is going well with you all!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Life in a nut shell.
These past few weeks have been nuts, as you all know, dave was in a car accident and the lady is being cheap about it and its making us very unhappy about not getting it fixed and is trying to convince us that we need a new car that costs 500 dollars. we simply wont take it, and I feel a broken record telling her no, to just fix the dang thing. Sigh..
School is good! im making some cool school friends, i LOVE it there. It is a blessing in my life! it makes me stronger, it teaches me a lot more and everything im learning has spirituality to it too. im even getting through Isaiah, an understanding it too! On the other hand, Dave is doing well in school too, all though he wont be graduating this spring like we thought, he is missing credit for just one more class, and he'll take that in the summer. It has set us back a few months, but thats okay. at least he dosn't have a year or more left.
Work is still crazy as H... and hating every minute of it, Im not coming home crying as often as i did for a while, but im looking for another job, so let me know if you come across any! Daves job is driving him crazy too, so he is also looking for a better job he can escape to. At least he has a "bestie" there with him and tell you what, he is worse than any teenager i know .. i how ever dont. which is fine, im there to work then clock out.
when i get a chance to be home, i'll clean the house, look back and there it is dirty again. I swear my husband is a little kid! lol But he sure is cute.. especially when he gets in trouble, or wants something.
Speaking of kids, we are still trying somewhat.. ive given up. I have nursery kids, and thats all the kids I need for now. We are going to see a new doctor though, hopefully this one will do more for us than the last one ever did.
Our first valetines day together was fun! We ate a steak dinner we saved up for we marinated steaks for 3 days they were soo very good. Earlier that weekend we were up at bear lake with the whole Cook side. it was soo much fun and relaxing, the perfect get away! we. or at least I has needed that for a while, it was so beautiful and out of the city and away from the world!
Well, thats whats all been on my mind for the past few weeks.
School is good! im making some cool school friends, i LOVE it there. It is a blessing in my life! it makes me stronger, it teaches me a lot more and everything im learning has spirituality to it too. im even getting through Isaiah, an understanding it too! On the other hand, Dave is doing well in school too, all though he wont be graduating this spring like we thought, he is missing credit for just one more class, and he'll take that in the summer. It has set us back a few months, but thats okay. at least he dosn't have a year or more left.
Work is still crazy as H... and hating every minute of it, Im not coming home crying as often as i did for a while, but im looking for another job, so let me know if you come across any! Daves job is driving him crazy too, so he is also looking for a better job he can escape to. At least he has a "bestie" there with him and tell you what, he is worse than any teenager i know .. i how ever dont. which is fine, im there to work then clock out.
when i get a chance to be home, i'll clean the house, look back and there it is dirty again. I swear my husband is a little kid! lol But he sure is cute.. especially when he gets in trouble, or wants something.
Speaking of kids, we are still trying somewhat.. ive given up. I have nursery kids, and thats all the kids I need for now. We are going to see a new doctor though, hopefully this one will do more for us than the last one ever did.
Our first valetines day together was fun! We ate a steak dinner we saved up for we marinated steaks for 3 days they were soo very good. Earlier that weekend we were up at bear lake with the whole Cook side. it was soo much fun and relaxing, the perfect get away! we. or at least I has needed that for a while, it was so beautiful and out of the city and away from the world!
Well, thats whats all been on my mind for the past few weeks.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Random Ramblings
You ever sit down to your computer to write a blog post and discover that you have no idea what to say? Yeah, us too.
Hannah got a haircut. Its cute, you should see it. She came to visit me at work with some food and surprised me with it. She further surprised me when she told me how much it cost. I had to force it out of her, but she told me. I'm not going to tell you, however, because I doubt you'd believe that she could do such a thing and you'd accuse me of making stuff up. On a completely unrelated note, we won't be able to buy groceries for about a month.
She claims that had she known how much it would have been, she wouldn't have done it.
So life goes on as usual. I'm in the last semester of classes for my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. I can't wait to be done. With the exception of the two years of my mission, I've been going to school almost constantly since 1987.
Just typing that made me depressed.
We're hoping Hannah's federal student financial aid comes through soon so she can keep attending the LDSBC. She loves that place more than she loves me, so we're keeping our fingers crossed. If you'd like to donate to the "Keep Hannah in School" fund, we accept cash, checks, and anonymous donations through the LDSBC. :-)
We're both taking our Utah Life Insurance test this coming week. After passing, we'll be licensed to sell life insurance. You should buy from us so we can afford things like food, insurance, rent, haircuts...
We can set you up with a financial plan that'll make you rich! Probably!
Hannah is still baby hungry and getting worse every day. Her goal this year is to have a baby. Nothing so far, but stay tuned. On a completely unrelated note, we're both losing weight.
In keeping with the life insurance thing, we're also hoping to get into a bigger apartment this year. If you'd like to donate to the "Help Hannah and Dave Get Into a Bigger Apartment" fund, we accept cash, checks, and vouchers for free rent.
Another goal we have set is to make enough with our Primerica insurance business (again, buy life insurance from us!) to let Hannah quit her job. It really stresses her out so the sooner she can get out of there, the better.
I'm still working for iRock and FlowRider in Ogden. I know for a fact that anything I say about it will probably make it back to at least a supervisor, so I'm saying nothing beyond that it is a job that I go to. Oh, and I could use a raise.
Its coming up on seven months since Hannah and I were married. It doesn't seem that long, though. We've had some challenges, and we expect to keep having challenges, but we are still very much in love. I don't know what I would do without this wonderful woman beside me. Shrivel up and die, I expect.
In closing, let me just say that if you'd like to donate to the "Give Dave and Hannah Money for No Reason" fund, we accept cash, checks, and large gold bricks.
Hannah got a haircut. Its cute, you should see it. She came to visit me at work with some food and surprised me with it. She further surprised me when she told me how much it cost. I had to force it out of her, but she told me. I'm not going to tell you, however, because I doubt you'd believe that she could do such a thing and you'd accuse me of making stuff up. On a completely unrelated note, we won't be able to buy groceries for about a month.
She claims that had she known how much it would have been, she wouldn't have done it.
So life goes on as usual. I'm in the last semester of classes for my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. I can't wait to be done. With the exception of the two years of my mission, I've been going to school almost constantly since 1987.
Just typing that made me depressed.
We're hoping Hannah's federal student financial aid comes through soon so she can keep attending the LDSBC. She loves that place more than she loves me, so we're keeping our fingers crossed. If you'd like to donate to the "Keep Hannah in School" fund, we accept cash, checks, and anonymous donations through the LDSBC. :-)
We're both taking our Utah Life Insurance test this coming week. After passing, we'll be licensed to sell life insurance. You should buy from us so we can afford things like food, insurance, rent, haircuts...
We can set you up with a financial plan that'll make you rich! Probably!
Hannah is still baby hungry and getting worse every day. Her goal this year is to have a baby. Nothing so far, but stay tuned. On a completely unrelated note, we're both losing weight.
In keeping with the life insurance thing, we're also hoping to get into a bigger apartment this year. If you'd like to donate to the "Help Hannah and Dave Get Into a Bigger Apartment" fund, we accept cash, checks, and vouchers for free rent.
Another goal we have set is to make enough with our Primerica insurance business (again, buy life insurance from us!) to let Hannah quit her job. It really stresses her out so the sooner she can get out of there, the better.
I'm still working for iRock and FlowRider in Ogden. I know for a fact that anything I say about it will probably make it back to at least a supervisor, so I'm saying nothing beyond that it is a job that I go to. Oh, and I could use a raise.
Its coming up on seven months since Hannah and I were married. It doesn't seem that long, though. We've had some challenges, and we expect to keep having challenges, but we are still very much in love. I don't know what I would do without this wonderful woman beside me. Shrivel up and die, I expect.
In closing, let me just say that if you'd like to donate to the "Give Dave and Hannah Money for No Reason" fund, we accept cash, checks, and large gold bricks.
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